Thursday, 10 September 2015

Spare the rod, spoil the child.

It is an open secret that the youth of the 70's and the 80's grew up knowing that they needed to affiliate themselves with either education or politics, or the arts for the few brave ones who did not mind to withstand the wrath of the authorities. Even those that went to school, their parents encouraged them to follow the then prestigious careers like teaching and medicine or law for some. Any career outside that bracket was unheard of and anyone even some folks still considered sports and the arts to be extra mural activities and they would burn with anger if a child would think of following any of them as a career. This was, of course in the era where the sight of a police van meant that everyone would have to be athletic and sprint for their dear life, worse of all is that at times it was for no reason, especially in the black communities.
I still remember the days where playing in the streets or going AWOL all day and only coming back towards supper time was normal and actually encouraged by most parents, especially during school holidays. No one had the biggest fear of child kidnapping or any of the evil actions taking place in our society today.
Back to careers, it saddens me to see how disciplining a child lately in South Africa have taken a different route and the school kids are encouraged to hit back at teachers...alas this generation is perishing quicker than the prophets had thought.
I am not the oldest of them all but the little I know is that when I was small, every parent in the community was your your parent and was allowed to discipline you as a child, even if they may not necessarily know you or be biologically related to you. The era where the illumination of a street light meant that every child should be indoors, like it or not. The kids did not have guts to talk back to their parents, let alone question any rule that was placed by their superiors.
It seems like the emergence of the democracy has changed it all and kids have more rights than lefts.  In the past few weeks the student unions have been quoted in the news saying that school children should fight back when being punished by their teachers, the same people I knew as parents when I was still in uniform. A child can say what they want, when they want it and at times the parents have to be the ones who back off an argument or they risk being arrested.
I do not have a problem with a law protecting children against abuse or any unfair treatment but now my question is; How do we expect this children to learn the morals and respect the society if we deny them discipline? Doesn't the bible says spare the rod and spoil the child? See, the very same children you don't want to discipline, are very quick to jump into adult activities and they make babies like the world is ending tomorrow. You find a teenager having 2 or 3 children at age 18 or 19 and no parent dares to question them, at that time they don't even have a mere Grade 12 certificate. How then will they raise their own children if they haven't been disciplined and know nothing about parenting?
Is this the future we want for our country?
As I see it...


  1. Well written boet. Thanks for such fresh critical thinking.

    Our challenge today is ignorance and selfishness. A children are no more of the community and the government want to adopt them through the constitution while nullifying culture and religion. Only if each institution was making tremendous contribution to children's lives without betraying each other we would still see what we saw while still growing from our early childhood.

    Indeed failure to punish children today results into the growing senseless generation. Gone are the days.

    Continue poking out comfort zones with your great craft. ��

  2. Well written boet. Thanks for such fresh critical thinking.

    Our challenge today is ignorance and selfishness. A children are no more of the community and the government want to adopt them through the constitution while nullifying culture and religion. Only if each institution was making tremendous contribution to children's lives without betraying each other we would still see what we saw while still growing from our early childhood.

    Indeed failure to punish children today results into the growing senseless generation. Gone are the days.

    Continue poking out comfort zones with your great craft. ��
