Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Do judge lest ye be judged Matthew 7:1

I have been watching social media in dismay in the past two days and I realised that the morden Christian believers are very cruel, to say the least. I need to make it known that I am not a follower of Pastor Zondo nor do I watch his programs on some DSTV channel or radio station. But what I do know is that Jesus Christ, of whom the acclaimed pastor preaches His word said the world will know that we are His followers ONLY if we love one another John 13:35, and as far as I am concerned if you love a person you do not condemn him but support him and do what is right by him. 
While on that condemnation note, Jesus at one point was confronted with the similar situation, and he uttered the famous words when they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them; Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her John 8:7. I am saying this because I know for a fact that among those who keep insulting him, the only difference between you and him is that you don’t have a video recording and he does. If we were to start looking into each other’s closets, no one would even have the decency to breath. In Sesotho we have a saying that goes; E Kgutjwa ele maoto a mane, which loosely translates; the cow can stumble and fall even though it has four legs. 
As Christian believers, the bible encourages us to pray and help one another and pray for each other when one has committed a mistake, not to laugh at them or take it to the media or twitter James 5:16. The same situation happened to Moses when he had married a lady from the tribe that he was not supposed to and the church elders (Aaron and Merriam) instead of taking the case to Moses or God, they decided to make a joke about it and discuss it on their own, this did not sit well with God, check the consequences of their actions in Numbers 12:4.
To Pastor Zondo, if by some reason you happen to come across this message, you know what to do Sir. Go and read Psalm 51 and sit in the presence of God, not because I think you have sinned, but because after this publicity, it won’t be easy for you to continue doing what God has called you to do. Ask God to strengthen you and say the prayer that David said and let’s see if you won’t rise above all this negativity.

As I see it..