Wednesday, 21 May 2014

A word of advice to Juju and the red army

EFF LEader Julius Malema Outside Malema with EFF-MP's
First of all congratulations for finally making it to parliament, it is now a first step in the right direction in your quest to rule the beautiful land one day, hopefully. I have been observing in silence your journey from your ANCYL days to the Commander In Chief (CIC) of the economic freedom fighters and I must say you still have a long way ahead of you. I also observed how you and your delegates in parliament were so eager to make the mark, we hope you won’t disappoint and go back to your old self.

I first want to remind you of that unfortunate rise and fall of the Congress of the People (COPE), this is because they also started just like you and won the hearts of nation and once in parliament, arrogance crept in. As we all know what happened, I hope you will equip yourself with some political education and keep your head on the ground this time around and have a little patience and watch your words.
Please hear me well CIC, I do not mean to insult you or say you have no respect but the perfect example is the way members and leadership of COPE handled themselves in parliament and look at where they are now. The one million-plus people that have voted for you believe that you may be the panacea to the political landscape of the country act the part. It is no secret that a lot of people have lost faith in the leading party’s leadership role in taking the country forward after 2 decades of democracy, capitalize on that and surround yourself with intellectual minds.

We hope that you will propose and put into effect the ideas that were on your election manifesto but just don't throw tantrums when things don't go your way because you may only get to serve for 5 years and that’s it, I am sure you do not want that. I am sure all the people who put their faith in you do not wish to have their political rivals tell them that they have wasted their votes in putting you in that seat. With patience and the fighting spirit, someone one day may wake up to a country that say “we are proud of our President, President Julius Malema”, this is possible but only if you review what you say and where you say it, more importantly…how you say it. 

As I see it…